Monday, June 30, 2008

What's A Tumtum Tree?

Read Lewis Carrol's epic poem "Jabberwocky." The Tumtum tree is where the one, armed for battle and pursuing his foe, stops for rest and reflection. Then he kills that sucker.


Skip Crust said...

"Rested he, under the Tumtum tree, and stood a while and thought...

And Bob, with danish thoughts he stood, the donut shop with eyes a'glaze, consuming through the Ft. Wayne 'hood tummy grumbled has he came."

I love the symbolism of the Tumtum Tree. Looking forward to hearing the thoughts of an urban missionary.

Carolyn said...

I looked at your picture and all I could think was, "Star of wonder, star of night, doo be doo..." I'm so excited that you caved and are now blogging. It's such an awesome outlet.