Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Goodbye, NFL

I just broke up with a lifelong friend and it feels kind of crappy. I will no longer spend my Sundays (and Mondays and Thursdays) camped out in front of the flat screen. Yep, I am done with professional football. It's a cultural chasm I am no longer willing to leap.

In the scheme of things that we call Life, sports in general--and football in particular--isn't really that important. But football and me go back a long way. I embraced the Cleveland Browns in the early 1960s. Back when they were good. Why the Browns for a kid growing up fifty miles south of Mile High Stadium is still a mystery to me. Then John Elway came along and everything changed. I was a Broncos fan for life.

In the mean time, I played football from fifth grade through college. Some world-class, lifelong friendships came from those teams.

Football and me, we had a thing. The Denver Broncos won Super Bowl 50 on my birthday, for crying out loud. How much more personal can it get?

Then came the protests during the national anthem.

That last sentence is a line of demarcation. Many readers reflexively check the boxes: male Caucasian, late 50s, suburban address. I am, in some minds, part of the problem. The person who should gain some awareness of the problem highlighted by the anthem protests and be moved to action.

The fact is that I have been moved to action. It's just not what most anthem protesters expected to happen. Their efforts to raise awareness certainly made me more aware of how tone-deaf both the player-protesters and owners are. Witnessing action and inaction, respectively, has made me aware that I can get along just fine outside of the self-contained universe known as the National Football League.

NFL players have now worn pink accessories every October to help raise awareness for the fight against breast cancer. That's a good thing. I'm sure cancer researchers can demonstrate the real-world benefits of pink cleats on the national stage. For most viewers, it only registers as another color on the screen.

Ten years of pink also has a bit of a dark side. Does wearing pink wrist bands for four games qualify a player as actually fighting the scourge of cancer? How many players have given of themselves off the field to further this worthy fight? Too often we settle for a show of hands for or against and think that somehow we're actually engaged.

This is the culture of sharing opinions instead of getting one's hands dirty that has gripped our world. It is one that has helped ruin the NFL experience for me. During the season of discontent we heard reports of a miniscule percentage of anthem protesters being moved to engage their community leaders regarding the fuzzy reasons they were protesting. The player who started this movement couldn't even distill his reasoning into a coherent sentence.

Making a statement/sharing an opinion/raising awareness is a thing unto itself these days. It's the "look at me" culture that grips the NFL. What happens more often than not when a player makes a play? He will run away from the pack and stand, with chest puffed out, for the world to look at him. I love a good end zone celebration or a sack dance. I had one of my own in college. But that, ugh, I just HATE. That is the first step onto the slippery slope for me. But wait, there's more.

Awareness-raising is a good thing if the goal is to move people to consider the merits of the activity. When awareness morphs into action the situation has a chance of profound, lasting change. However, when raising awareness takes a distant second place to protest, then the opposite effect often takes root.

This is the second of three mistakes NFL players are making.

If you want to sell something you have to consider the market. The NFL has promoted old-fashioned patriotism for years. It is one of the pieces that moved professional football into the preeminent sports position in the American psyche. Taking that place for granted may earn some hard lessons. Players and owners alike are counting on the place the NFL has in our culture as they both race away from one of the dominant demographics that has granted them their lifestyles.

For the players, they are counting on a solid platform to share their opinions. The owners are counting on the solidity of the platform to not crumble. Perhaps both are dead wrong.

The players chose the very symbol of patriotism for their protest. It certainly got attention; but attention doesn't necessarily translate into awareness. And without awareness there is no action. The players grossly misread their market, perhaps thinking that the shock value would somehow gain traction for a movement of change. That, though, is extremely generous. What appears to be the truth, rather, is that no thought whatsoever went into how to actually motivate the change for which they advocate.

We live in a social media-driven culture where it is not just OK to say whatever one wants, no matter how objectionable. In fact, it is encouraged. The age group in which NFL players live is dominated by this ethos. To engage in this on the stage of the national anthem is myopic at best and at cross-purposes with any professed desire for change.

The protests have caused me to tune out rather than step up. The message, at least from fully-padded athletes, is null and void. It's not sexy to get involved in cultural change with no cameras following you. Some, to their credit, are doing just that. Most, though, mistakenly project the attitude that face time is really all that matters to them.

The NFL owners are complicit in this debacle. By remaining silent as their employees publicly damage their industry they show the cowardice that might just ultimately bring them what they deserve. Has the NFL reached the top of its bell curve? Perhaps it is gaining speed down the other side. NFL owners are not entrepreneurs taking risks to achieve a vision. They are demonstrating their true selves: tone-deaf managers afraid to leave the castle hoping that the growing cracks in the walls don't bring the roof down.

Just when many football fans thought that the protests were ruinous enough, we achieved Level Three. The third mistake the anthem protesters made was to allow their message to get hijacked. What was barely articulated before is now complete gibberish. It all has to do with a response to the President.

President Trump recently did what he apparently always does: he made statements in a political rally that stir people up. I think he likes that. Whether or not you count yourself part of the group who like this too, one thing is certain. After the president made statements about the future employment of NFL players who continue to protest, those same players had a strong and immediate reaction.

What started as a movement to shed light on issues regarding the treatment of less-advantaged fellow Americans suddenly became a political dog fight between petulant players and their President. It turned from purported lifting of their fellow man into a public argument with a single man.

Mistake three the NFL protesters made was allowing whatever message they had to be hijacked and turned into a political argument. Instead of highlighting their message about police brutality they suddenly became more concerned about an apology from a verbal knucklehead in Washington.

This, clearly, highlights the "look at me" culture that motivates and informs these NFL players. It really IS about them. How should those less fortunate souls feel who are the actual victims of the dark side of our society now that their messengers are all about themselves? Once a protest is so radically re-branded, there is no going back to the original message. This is the very definition of cognitive dissonance for the ones who are purportedly the end users in a severely bungled attempt at awareness-raising.

In our house we decided to quit shelling out the monthly fees for the "privilege" of watching the NFL cable dynasty. We are sports fans, and are finding just as much enjoyment rooting for the great rivalries in the NHL. That's right: hockey. Canadians and Russians who entertain and inspire us with athletic ability and who don't protest anything.

Professional football really isn't that important. These protests have demonstrated that it is mostly noise I can do without. So goodbye, National Football League. You decided that I should no longer care. It's obvious that neither players or owners care about me. It's too bad; you shoulda seen my sack dance.

Friday, February 26, 2016

How To Understand The Donald

I hate politics. But I'm really having fun watching the Republicans and the media deal with Donald Trump. So here is my take on How To Understand The Donald.
Donald Trump is the worst politician ever. Just listen to him. Donald Trump is the best politician of our era. Just listen to him.
Our problem when listening to Donald Trump is that we hear through filters. They are implanted and enforced by heavy cultural forces. These filters are linked to our traditional understanding of the political spectrum.
On the right end of the spectrum is "conservative"; at the other end is "progressive/liberal." We are conditioned to believe that all politicians fall in line somewhere on that continuum. In our era the largest mass of politicians are rushing headlong toward each extreme.
Politicians at--or those moving toward--the outer edges of this political continuum can be said to be ideologues. That is, they have embraced either the conservative or progressive ideology, and their chief appeal to potential voters is to brag on how closely they adhere to their respective ideology. For an ideologue, that is the "big picture" in politics.
Just for fun, let's stamp Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders as torch-bearers of conservative and liberal ideology, respectively. How would Ted and Bernie be as realtors? Each has a house to sell. Regardless of ideology, each would state a clear end result. And true to their respective frames of reference, they would also map out clearly defined intermediate steps to get their results. For a person driven by ideology, the process must be as pure as the final goal.
Bernie, for instance, might have as his goal a free house given to a deserving family. He would find a large group of families who would give extra so that everyone could have their own house. True to his ideology, he would never ask Wall Street to donate the house.
Ted, on the other hand, might have as his goal an expensive house paid for by hard work. He would help make a way for the family in need of housing to start a business so they could afford their new mansion. True to his ideology, he would never limit a family's housing choices. If that's a McMansion or a box under the bridge, everyone is free to create their own destiny.
Along comes Donald Trump. The first thing he does is insult the home-buying choices offered by the other realtors. "Bernie's house is a fire trap! And Ted's selling high-priced termites!" he bellows. He then states that the house he is selling is the finest-made dwelling ever constructed with sewer pipes of pure titanium.
Donald has no problem playing both sides against the middle. Unlike the other candidates driven by ideology, Mr. Trump is driven by results. He will list his house at an outrageous sum; when the buyer points out the deficiencies and inaccuracies with his "finest-made" house, Donald entertains a lowball offer. Somewhere in the middle the two parties agree and the deal is done. Donald doesn't care if Uncle Mike, a local underworld figure, slipped 50G's into the buyer's account so they could qualify. And he doesn't care that he didn't get his asking price. He never expected to. True to his orientation, he just wants the satisfaction of getting the deal done.
Donald Trump says outrageous and inflammatory things that no politician, staying true to his respective ideology, can say. Donald makes "policy statements" that fly all over the political spectrum. He does and says those things precisely because he is a deal-maker. He is positioning people to come to the middle ground where stuff gets done. He is driven by results, not ideology. And the results can be different in two seemingly similar situations depending on how satisfying the deal is at the moment. This drives ideologues and political commentators insane.
Mr. Trump is a brilliant businessman. He has been verbally brokering a deal with the American people regarding the Republican nomination. And the very people who are getting worked the hardest by his deal-making brilliance are the men on the debate platform with him and all the political pundits in every form of the media. And they don't have a clue what's happening.
The filters fit so tightly that they cannot see that Donald Trump is simply not on the continuum. He operates in a completely different reality. My guess is that Trump's reality is closer to that of the average American than the reality of Washington politics and this helps me understand his visceral, populist appeal. It also helps me see that the only way a Washington politician could find real life in America is by using the Hubble Telescope.
The Republican Party went so far as to force Donald's hand to sign a pledge that he would remain in their camp and support whomever wins the nomination. They lured him in and then locked the door. Now they're complaining that he can't get out. This is what happens when politicians living on the continuum try to be deal-makers: they screw it all up. This is going to be fun to watch.
In the meantime, Donald Trump remains the worst politician in the race. Or, if you like the idea of deals getting made and stuff getting done, he might be the best politician in the bunch.
Just listen to him.
It all depends on those filters.
Bob Havenor

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Indiana: You Got It All Wrong

I'm so glad I moved from Indiana. I want nothing to do with a state that legalizes and encourages hatred under the guise of "religious freedom."

Does this mean I stand for nothing or will stand against nothing? Hardly. I'm trying to follow Jesus in this regard. What I discovered is that I had to leave the evangelical church to do so.

Jesus demonstrated his contempt not against sin, but against the effects of sin. What is the controlling dynamic of sin? It is separation--from God and His plans and purposes. Jesus battles the effects of sin by demonstrating how a "curse-free" person should live: through a lifestyle of outrageous acts of inclusive love. Culture wars legislation that empowers religious folk to legally separate themselves from "sinners" only enhances the power of the curse. 

When do we see any human given divine license to rail against "sin"? It is when God turns the prophet loose on His own people. Modern evangelicals have embraced the idea that they can turn a "prophetic" voice against those whom they see as the perpetrators of our cultural slide. The institutional church has embraced hatred under the false rubric of "hate the sin but love the sinner;" which, by the way, is seen by everyone outside the evangelical circle in its true distillation: "Hate."

Why do church people do this? Maybe because it's fun to hate people and somehow think that we are getting away with it--even approved by God for it. Besides, it's infinitely easier to point an accusing finger than to spend oneself in true compassion.

Let's see--who were the first century cultural warriors who stood opposed to and perplexed by a God who demonstrated true culture-changing power through love and compassion? It was the Pharisees; in this regard--and in the most important way Jesus interacted with the world around him--"pharisee" is now spelled "evangelical."

Jesus never embraced the culture wars. He embraced people. The reason for his magnetic personality was that his love was immediately and intuitively understood as genuine. It had no filters, expectations or membership requirements.

Maybe this is why Jesus was able to perform miracles. His unfiltered love gave way to pure, powerful compassion that opened a clear and unobstructed channel to the power in the center of God's heart.

Meanwhile the evangelical church in America is gathering in their buildings and lighting the roof on fire.

The cheering they hear is not God and all of heaven applauding because religious folk now have another legal degree of separation from "sinners." It's the "sinners" cheering because maybe, just maybe, this means the religious haters will go away that much sooner.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Myth of a Christian Nation

When did the United States cease to be a “Christian” nation? The US officially sold its soul on May 28, 1830 when President Andrew Jackson signed the “Indian Relocation Act” into law. Read an excerpt from President Andrew Jackson’s appalling 1831 State of the Union speech to Congress here.

A highway road sign telling you of an upcoming town does not indicate, "We are thinking of starting a town up ahead. What do you think?" It simply announces what is already established. The law of 1830, leading to the Trail of Tears, was a signpost officially declaring the moral and spiritual destiny this nation had established at its inception. The social and moral foundation of the United States rests in large part on racism and white narcissism. Of course, the “annihilation” of non-Christian "savages," as Jackson blithely reminds Congress, had been going on already for decades… add the slavery issue which was an accepted social norm from our beginnings just a generation earlier, and one has to ask, “When exactly was the United States Christian?”

For all those fighting today’s culture wars, thinking that there is any value whatsoever in having a copy of the Ten Commandments on display inside the county courthouse, maybe this bit of perspective might help. There is no “leak” we can stop; no “moral slide” we can slow or reverse.

The United States, like every other nation, sits in a flat spot morally and spiritually. It is sitting in the same spot it always occupied.

What is the solution? There is none on a geopolitical scale. Christians can’t “take back” what they never owned. The spiritual fabric was torn from the beginning of the nation; it remains to this day. Anyone who has spent any time on a Native American reservation has experienced the shock of institutionalized, ongoing hopelessness.

Am I suggesting repatriating Native Americans back to their original properties?

True repentance is always costly. We as a nation don’t have the stomach for such things and most church people would say, “I personally didn’t do that. I’m not responsible for what happened 200-plus years ago.” If I put my hand over my heart and pledge allegiance to the flag, then why am I not responsible? At that point I am saying that the United States is “my liege,” the feudal lord who defines me and determines my destiny.

Nothing of any positive, sustained spiritual significance will ever happen through politics. I am strongly suggesting that Christians give up hope of affecting moral and spiritual change through the political process.

To give up hope in one thing doesn't mean one is therefore despairing of change. What I am suggesting is that we can have only one focus when it comes to hope.

It's time to be a patriot for the right organization.

Which country really holds your citizenship? From which country do you expect change to occur? Perhaps instead of pursuing the delusion of “turning things around” politically, followers of Jesus should adopt what Jesus suggested. To be called “light” implies that we live in a dark place. Let’s live like citizens of a country, like the heroes of Hebrews 11, that doesn’t just have different rules; it has a completely different orientation toward life and reality.

What might happen if followers of Jesus stopped spending their energies and resources on protecting and enhancing their “Christian” way of life, safely sequestered in their churches and Christian subculture and waiting things out until they "go to heaven"? What might happen if those same people redirected those same energies and resources into a fully-embraced life with those still living in moral, spiritual and economic shadows?

What might happen if the Church could be re-visioned as relational rather than political?

 This is the message, the mission and the example of Jesus.

It’s way past time to re-evaluate what it means to live in a non-christian culture. Corrupt human culture can never bring about life-giving change. But it’s never too late to change personal allegiances: what might happen in our circles of influence if we did?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why I Am No Longer An Evangelical

I am no longer an evangelical. I didn’t turn in my card because of addiction, moral failure or because I became a Democrat. I did it because I care more deeply about the state of my world than I ever have; I did it because I believe more fervently than ever that the Jesus I read about in the Bible, and the things He says, are true and compelling. I did it because evangelicalism, in this light, is more of a hindrance than a help.

This comes as a shock to my system because my experience and education are rooted in all things evangelical. Academics include a double-major in Pastoral Ministry and Bible and Theology; I also got halfway through a Master of Arts at a world-famous seminary in Pasadena, California before leaving fifteen years of pastoral ministry to become a missionary in North Africa. I have read many books by Christian authors. I highlighted passages in most and even finished some of them. Most of my adult life has been centered in vocational ministry. I Am Clergy.

I was clergy.

My life goals haven’t changed appreciably since the days I drew a salary as “Pastor Bob.” I still want to be a change-agent in bringing those within my sphere of influence to life in Christ. I still pray and look for opportunities to share Jesus with those around me. But I no longer see the movement known as “Evangelicalism” as helpful in this regard. It is not, for me or for you. It is not, especially for the millions of spiritually seeking citizens outside the Church who long to fill the void in their souls.

It is time for a new Reformation.

It is time for American Christians to re-invest wholesale in the missio dei. That’s a great Latin phrase speaking of the mission of God: the driving and chief motivational force of God and His kingdom. It is a force that won’t let Him rest until every corner of creation has been totally redeemed.

The missio dei is a dynamic power that makes no room for slackers. It forces me to critically and ruthlessly evaluate every personal priority, attitude and habit, and to include in that critique any memberships in social groups and how those memberships can be leveraged for the Kingdom. This gives me a newfound ability to see work and neighborhood relationships with spiritual clarity and to empower me to act as a member of this amazing kingdom of priests known at the Church. It also grants me freedom to move away from the activities and associations that hinder Kingdom impact. Weirdly, and surprisingly, I found that the very group I thought would be re-invested with spiritual significance—evangelicalism—became the one I had to leave. This brief paper outlines those dynamics.

The limitations of a pamphlet or a blog post on a topic like this are manifold and glaring. Each paragraph deserves several chapters peppered with explanatory footnotes and bibliographical references. No room is given to dissenting views. There is no attempt at objectivity. What you have is a guy and his perspective. What you might also find are a few nuggets worth pondering; and in so doing they might just change your life.

Trapped in an “Ism”
Evangelicalism is an “ism.” That is, it is a movement with overarching principles and a whole set of assumptions embraced by those on the inside. Many of the assumptions Evangelicals embrace are philosophical, and not theological in nature, and most are on the level of worldview: that is, these are concepts we embrace, assuming them to be true, while rarely acknowledging or analyzing them. These assumptions go unchallenged largely because we mostly don’t realize they are there. Nevertheless, the consequences of the assumptions we hold have profound effects. We do the things we do because that’s what we assume “normal, biblical church life” is. The rest of this paper is devoted to analyzing three of the foundational assumptions of evangelicalism. Then we will draw some conclusions and make some suggestions for change.

Assumption: We Were Meant For the Middle
The evangelical church as we know it isn’t explained in the pages of Scripture. Its roots go back to the third century of Christian influence in the Roman Empire. In this historical setting we see the seeds of the modern church.

The first three centuries of the people of God after the Resurrection are a record of amazing numerical growth. Some say as much as thirty percent of the entire Roman Empire embraced the gospel during that time. All this happened through a decentralized, organic movement whose chief feature, in the government’s eyes, was that it was an illegal threat to national security. As such, Christians were subject to harsh persecution which included imprisonment, forced labor, the confiscation of property and even death. Still, the Church grew exponentially as it was persecuted.

Roman emperor Constantine then embraced Christ and issued the Edict of Milan in 313, officially reversing Rome’s position on Christianity. His edict says he did it so that public order may be restored and the continuance of the Divine favor may "preserve and prosper our successes together with the good of the state."

In one official act the Church is transformed from outlaws to key players in both national security and social stability.

The Church was moved politically from the margins to the center of culture. Legitimate members of a religious society have certain hallmarks, the chief of which are professional priests, geographical locations for worship and an expectation of favorable treatment by the host government. The rapid and sustained decline of numerical growth as a percentage of the population, coupled with an official chasm between professional clergy and an increasingly inert laity, have characterized the Church ever since.

Ever since the movement on the margins known as Christianity found a legislated home in the center of Western culture, it embraced the inevitable calcification that is inherent in the word “religion.”

The history of Western civilization is simply not coherent without an understanding of the wrestling match between politics and religion. Western history for the last eighteen centuries even has a name for this culture that has been dominated by Christian religious systems: it is "Christendom".

In Christendom the Church expects and demands a place at the center of the culture—which means a voice at the table in shaping, directing and maintaining that culture. This doesn’t mean that everything and everyone in the culture operates within the parameters of biblical Christianity; it simply means that the Church expects that it should, even if there is scant evidence that it ever actually happened in that or any other nation’s history. What it means is this: the Church ultimately must become willing to dedicate whatever resources necessary to “restore” its culture to that mythical golden ideal.

The embracing of the Christendom ideal of a Christian nation (or establishing it as such) necessitates a culture war. The forces or groups within that nation moving the culture from that ideal, in the eyes of religious leaders, are enemies both of the Church and of the State. It is therefore the Church’s patriotic and religious duty to identify, expose and oppose such groups. It also follows that the Church assumes the right and obligation to call each and every citizen, public structure and private business to publicly declare their stand on these “litmus test” issues. Ever wonder why abortion attained “litmus test” status? Now you know. This is how and why the culture war is waged.

The Cost of War
The folly in this is that the Church is the only entity that plays by these rules. This means two things. First, it means that we are seen primarily as a contrarian political group obsessed with behavior modification. Second, and far more tragic, the Church allows itself to be broadly characterized by what and whom we are against.

Go stand in the place of Joe Unchurched for a second. He sees the Church fighting the culture wars and how it has demonized its opponents; at the same time he reads a church sign or a tract that says, “God loves you and so do we!” This cognitive dissonance we have created is why he believes our public persona rather than our printed propaganda. The percentage of our nation’s population becoming followers of Christ has been in steady decline for decades. Our cultural moral slide is the same. We are obviously lousy politicians and not so terrific at attracting people so they can hear our clarifications on Sunday mornings.

Should we continue doing what we have been doing, expecting a greater effort to yield different results? Let’s be perfectly clear: when the Church emphasizes moral issues in the public square, expecting unredeemed people and political systems to live by biblical standards, that is not a prophetic voice. It is a political platform and a fool’s errand.

Re-read those last two sentences and compare them to John 13:34-35. Here’s a public identity proposed by a guy who was given every opportunity to enter the culture wars but who adamantly refused to engage. Why was it that Jesus chose to call Himself “The Son of Man” rather than “The Messiah/Christ”? He steered clear of political/cultural assumptions and chose to define Himself differently. Evangelicalism has taken the “Messiah” option as its primary cultural position and those who might otherwise respond to a cup of cold water rather than a conservative voter’s guide are the ones paying the price.

Our group (evangelicalism) has publicly campaigned to be re-inserted into the center of its culture. We expect and demand to have a voice at the political table and have vigorously engaged in culture wars to maintain our “rights,” but at what cost?

Assumption: Church is a Place and a Thing
We are people embedded in a culture and that culture is embedded in us. Our perspective is always skewed by the weird things we as a group think are normal. These are the elements poured into the mold that makes the glasses we wear when we want to make sense of something. They are the very glasses we wear that bring our world into focus.

As an example, think of how we generally do church. The vast majority of US citizens would understand the question, “Do you go to church?” However they may or may not answer, that same percentage will likely envision a congregation at a specific address on a certain day of the week. Headlining those congregations are professionals who lead us and manage programs designed to meet our needs. Christians come together on Sundays because that’s what Christians do.

So when a teacher where people go to church turns to John chapter one, he puts on his cultural glasses and explains it accordingly: people go to church; Andrew brings his brother, Simon, to meet Jesus. This is obviously an analogy for church members to bring their unchurched acquaintances to church where they, too, can meet Jesus.

“Normal” church life in North America is centripetal. “Normal” for evangelicalism is attracting people from their spheres of influence to a central location where they can learn the art of spiritual inertia. Sitting quietly and listening passively are in the center of evangelicalism’s definition of “church.”

Ask that same question to one of those pre-Edict of Milan followers of Christ. “Do you go to church?” would make no sense whatsoever. “Church isn’t a location,” he might explain. “It is the people, wherever we are.”

Andrew and Simon in John’s gospel might look different through his glasses. Here, he sees a picture of a person receiving truth, then going out and sharing it with someone already within his sphere of influence. To him, the message is one of being a carrier of good news, not a link between a consumer and a provider.

For him, the Church is centrifugal. Coming together is important. However, the force at the center isn’t magnetic—it is dynamic. It doesn’t attract and hold; it propels and directs. There can be no inertia when one’s definition of “church” is how I and my friends are living on the front lines.

Giving Up Control
One of the strongest factors in the centripetal ministry assumption is also one of its greatest contrasts with early Christianity. When we gather together as an institution, we expect a controlled environment. On Sunday mornings we have an order of service from which we rarely stray. Our business meetings follow Robert’s Rules of Order. Even in our centralized outreaches, they have an element of control to them that would baffle an early follower of Jesus.

Consider a typical community “outreach” employed by many churches in my area. It is a youth basketball league known as “Upward.” The basic format is this: church families invite unchurched friends to enroll their kids in the league, which typically plays their games in the fellowship hall of the local church building. Volunteer coaches stop the activities somewhere every time they meet so that someone can deliver prepared remarks as a “testimony.” Children are encouraged to “accept Jesus.”

Our assumption toward attracting people into our environment is so strong, most see nothing remotely negative about a program such as church basketball. What it requires on the part of unredeemed participants and their parents is to behave as if they are already redeemed. It places a priority on behavior and keeps the church organization in control.

What might happen if youth basketball went centrifugal instead? What if local churches refused to duplicate what is already offered outside its doors? What if followers of Jesus were encouraged to coach in a city league where religious behavior is not required? Might more unredeemed families see a stark contrast between darkness and light in that uncontrolled environment?

Assumption: The Consumer Is King
Recently a large evangelical church in the Pacific Northwest issued a cease and desist order to another church using the same name but a neighboring state. Their lawyers stated how the offending church was damaging the brand of the larger group. We spend so much energy developing and maintaining the unique “brand” of the local church. It’s a necessary marketing tool if small churches are going to compete with the dozens of identical fellowships in their area.

But what really happens when we name our fellowships?

No matter how different the worship style, preaching style, or ministry offerings, once a fellowship adopts a name, a damaging dynamic comes into play. We become our own worst enemy.

Our sense of identity shifts from the people of God in dynamic motion, already strategically placed in ministry throughout the community. We become a passive group looking to professionals to do the bulk of ministry in a centralized place on a certain day of the week. We become inwardly focused when the name goes up, unconsciously assuming that ministry is “good” or “bad” based on how it affects me and my family when we gather.

Church leaders are caught in a powerless position. We create ministries to attract attenders and to maintain our hold on them as they morph into members. We know that certain ministries are necessary to achieve this, so we offer good worship and relevant preaching along with youth and children’s ministries.

We get people in the door on Sundays by appealing to their consumer instincts. Then we pointedly expose consumerism from the pulpit. We draw people out of their spheres of influence, subtly persuading them to trade their priesthood for a membership card where they can sit and watch. The more people come to the central meeting place, the more they are considered for leadership. Then to those who have demonstrated commitment to the meetings, we announce that God wants us to win our neighbors and co-workers. All of these conflicting messages create what is known as “cognitive dissonance,” that inner struggle which often leads to paralysis of action.

Most evangelical pastors struggle to find a transformational discipleship curriculum. Our problem is not in the plethora of programs and methodologies on the market; our problem is drawing people as consumers, keeping them through appealing to their consumer instincts, and then expecting something altogether different to emerge in the process.

What It Might Look Like on the Other Side
One of the traps in a paper like this is the impression it may leave in the minds of people still on the inside of Evangelicalism. It may sound terribly negative and angry; the contrasts may seem dull and unimportant. Be that as it may, it is necessary to summarize the contrasts so that a path to the new way of thinking and living becomes clear.

The list of evangelicalism’s woes is long and varied. It is essential to list enough of them to establish the concept that this movement has run out of gas in our day. Evangelicals are not inherently evil or stupid. I am not a whiner who couldn’t stand the heat, so he got out of the kitchen and now campaigns that all cooks are communists. I love Jesus and His people. However, it is my position that the movement we know as Evangelicalism is culturally bankrupt: it got into a bad marriage with its culture and it’s too late for divorce. And the stakes are sufficiently high to warrant sober consideration of abandoning the vehicle so we can finish the journey.

Adequate change of our present method of ministry is not feasible. Besides, a wholesale change is needed to jolt the Church away from simply importing our old assumptions into the new thing. If a person is a bad driver, then switching from Toyota to Chrysler will not solve the problem. When a new mode of transportation becomes your standard, you adopt new rules.

It’s time for a new Reformation.

Reformed Relationships
First and foremost, followers of Jesus are travelers in a foreign land. We have no claims on our culture. We are here as a missionaries in the finest sense of the word. That mission is to show people the way to new life as citizens of the other Kingdom.

Missional self-awareness must be based in our once-alien-from-God status, and must remain as we live among aliens and show them the path to citizenship. Those who expect to view their culture from the center, with a hand on the joystick, can’t help but see aliens (both spiritual and political) as interlopers threatening the citizens and the lifestyle they protect. Rather than seeing ourselves as living people walking around with dead people, and gladly offering them the cure to deadness, the church corporately tends to adopt the stance that the dead people around us are flesh-eating zombies who are to be resisted and/or avoided.

If it is true that Jesus was sent to incarnate (John 1:14), and in the process showed those around Him the full extent of love through an act of sacrificial service (John 13:1), and we are sent by Jesus to incarnate (John 20:21), then it follows that we must employ the same lifestyle. What that means to those around us is that they are not seen as “contacts” or ministry projects, but as real people who are loved and cared for simply because they are who they are.

This concept elevates relationships and acts of love and care within them to a new level. It means that every follower of Jesus already has a mission field in the form of family, co-workers or fellow students and the people we regularly see in social settings. It also means that as their missionary, I had better hurry up and discover a kingdom skill set. This is the doorway to a new passion for true discipleship and to the energizing of the priesthood of the believer.

Reformed Fellowship
The re-energizing of the priesthood of the believer also means that priority time must be given to those newly-discovered ministry opportunities and growing relationships.

Incarnational living simply takes time. It means that I choose to live intentionally as salt and light in front of and amongst my mission field. In order to do that, I will move away from the security of a controlled environment in the evangelical subculture to embrace life in the wild as my primary identity. This is where we were designed to be.

Living on the edge of the desert, we discover a path to a pool of living water in the center of a hidden oasis. We respond to the call and retreat to the living water. But we return to the edge of the desert because that’s where we were meant to live amongst our people.

What we must understand is that the gift is not just the pool—it also the path. Our calling and privilege is to guide others—who have no hope of refreshing and who literally have no prayer—to the pool of living water down the hidden path. There is no room to live on the water’s edge. It was never designed for that. We are to live on the desert’s edge as examples to a dying, dehydrated people of what divine hydration looks like and how it allows the hydrated to live a different kind of life out in the heat. With this posture we can live in the heat amongst a parched people, knowing that the path is never too far away and that we are never to go to the pool alone.

Reformed Priorities
Australian theologian and missional provocateur Alan Hirsch once wrote, “It's not the church of God that has a mission in the world, but the God of mission who has a church in the world.” The top priority of heaven is the missio dei. God will not rest until all of creation is redeemed. That must be our highest priority.

Reformed Identity
The new Reformation means seeing relationships with new intensity. That’s because in this formation we identify “church” as people and not institution. If I and my fellow followers of Jesus are truly the Church, then this allows for new definitions of ministry and field of service. First, this means that ministry happens (or can happen!) wherever the priests are. This means that there is little for vocational, professional clergy to do.

Second, it means that ministry happens largely in uncontrolled environments. As a missionary I routinely advised people not to pray for my safety. The light shines the brightest and opportunities are the greatest when the pressure’s on.

Let’s dislodge the notion that our defining act of church membership is “going to church.” That means our Sunday morning services must change radically or go away entirely as we have known them. Let’s build dynamic motion and address our common spiritual inertia. The best way to do that is wean us off of the expectation that our specially-trained professionals will do the heavy lifting for us. Losing a professional priesthood would certainly open the door for the priesthood of the believer, wouldn’t it? Let’s focus on the sending out, not the gathering in.

The average congregation simply couldn’t change this radically and still retain its identity. This is precisely why I advocate for groups of Jesus-followers to meet regularly in unnamed fellowships where leaders lead because of spiritual gifting and the content of their lives. The only way in our present culture to break the back of consumerism is to act in such a way that is counter-consumer. It means a wholesale retreat from our current church paradigm.

We have too much to lose. The question with which we must grapple is then this: is our identity more important than the outcome? Evangelicalism caters to our culture-based self-interest rather than a biblically-based self-sacrifice.

America’s current election cycle reminds us how frustrating it is to simply shuffle the deck and get a new set of leaders, when it is the system itself that needs radical reform. It’s illogical to assume that a politician using that broken system to maintain enough political capital to run for office and to ascend to a higher level of authority and influence within that system would then be capable of or even remotely interested in changing the very dynamics that brought and maintain his current position. True change rarely comes from within. Why didn’t Jesus populate His inner circle from within the religious/political leadership of His day?

The point I have tried to make regarding Evangelicalism is that it is a cultural phenomenon as much as it is a biblical movement. It is the cultural dimension to which I object. However, because it is so ingrained in our culture, it is so hard to distance oneself from.

I am learning the loneliness of this distance and the route I have chosen to walk. I hope that the doors I open are enough to allow others entrance into a new day of impact in our land, the dawning of a new Reformation. But even if I walk with few by my side, I am convinced that I have chosen the right path.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So Who's the Heretic?

Michigan church pastor Rob Bell has once again wandered off the reservation. His latest book, Love Wins, is making evangelical leaders’ heads spin off their necks. He has been branded a “heretic” for his theological conclusions. I don’t mind calling things as they are; what troubles me is that the playbook upon which I based much of my ministry is not looking so ironclad these days. I am having trouble these days deciding just who the heretics really are.

Who’s the heretic? We all are. American evangelicalism embraces a concept of God, what motivates Him, and how we are to interact with Him, that might just be completely foreign to the minds and intentions of a large portion of Christ-followers in the first four centuries of the Church’s existence. To be more specific, my gut tells me that the guys who wrote the New Testament might not have the slightest clue how we come to some of our conclusions about God and His dealings with creation.

On this end of history it is easy, and quite natural, to assume that what we know and how we perceive truth is the way things really are. One problem with that involves the genesis of the very human culture upon which our knowledge base sits. In other words, the worldview of Western culture pushes all of us—theological thinkers, too—to see and understand our world, and even God, through a couple of dirty lenses. One of those lenses comes from a guy in North Africa. Another comes from Europe of the seventeenth century.

Augustine, our erudite African bishop in the fifth century, was a brilliant man. He happened to be steeped in the categories of Greek philosophy. So he applied this perspective on truth to God and the human condition. He cast God’s relationship with humanity in a legal framework, and these writings became one of the foundational philosophical cornerstones of Western culture. This legal paradigm permeates the Western worldview. Consider how strongly we are attached to this perspective: we sit in our well-defined traffic lanes waiting for the light to tell us to proceed; we react strongly to people “taking cuts” in lines; we must have clear winners and losers in law, sports and relationships. “Right” and “wrong” dominate our choices. Having traveled the world where other dynamics hold priority, and having lived on a continent where a different worldview dominates people’s interactions with their world (honor and shame versus right and wrong), I have experienced the stark contrast.

This cultural cornerstone has had its impact on religion, too. How often have we seen Christian groups fighting with each other over their perspective on “truth” with more intensity than they fight the devil and the grip of this world for human souls? Isn’t that why church signs have advertized “Baptist” or “Pentecostal” or “Methodist”? It’s to let those on the “inside” know if this particular fellowship agrees with my theology—they are “right” while the others are “wrong.” As a sidebar, I was part of the pastoral generation in the 1980s and 1990s that removed denominational labels from church names. At least in my mind, it was because we live in a world where religious “brand loyalty” no longer applies; denominational monikers didn’t attract new people, and in fact, confused church-seekers. This was part and parcel of the church growth movement, pandering to market forces and consumer interests. That, in itself, is worthy of another blog post but is off-track here.

Another dirty lens is Modernism. As a philosophical movement, it fueled a cultural shift to embrace the Enlightenment’s insistence on science as the preeminent arbiter of truth versus error and explains everything in mechanical terms. This was the dominant cultural perspective of the 19th century. Consider that the majority of systematic theologies still used today were written during that period, and only updated/expanded upon in the last century.

Most of our theological formation in the US has been along these lines. Consider the definition of the word “forensic”: relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems. This is precisely the ground in which the roots of evangelicalism lie: it is how we have grown up understanding God, His agenda, and the Atonement. Popularized by the seminal American theologian, Jonathan Edwards (“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”—think for a moment how that one sermon has shaped and captured American theological thinking!), systematized by modernist “scientific” theologians in the 19th century like Hodge and Strong, forensic theology blossoms in early 20th century fundamentalism and eventually present-day evangelicalism.

What all this leads to is an emphasis in Christian ministry on the salvation event, because this is the crux of the legal problem. If it is true that sinners are in the hands of an angry God, and the Atonement was acted out in heaven’s courtroom before the Judge, then our greatest duty is to get sinners out of their present “guilty” condition. Once the status of the “sinner” has been changed to “saint,” we have unconsciously satisfied the one legal item in our modernist Christian worldview that really matters. It was, according to our forensic theology and “The Four Spiritual Laws,” the reason why Jesus left heaven to visit Earth.

Could this be one of the reasons why evangelicalism has had such a good track record in making converts, but such poor success in turning converts into true disciples? Maybe this helps explain why a Billy Graham can gain celebrity status for conversion event crusades (with admittedly abysmal recidivism rates) and why a pamphlet like “The Four Spiritual Laws” gains such uncritical acceptance and widespread use. Since the emphasis in Western church culture is on the initial conversion act, evangelicalism is curiously deficient in terms of Great Commission impact. You know, the whole “make disciples” thing.

This paradigm, to some degree, explains why evangelicals so easily gravitate toward abandoning their harvest fields in favor of huddling together to protect themselves from being tainted by the world (why else is there a “Christian Business Directory”?). What do most denominational names indicate? Could it be that the primary element of our corporate self-identification has traditionally been more about what separates us from others (exclusion) than what we have to offer to our world (inclusion)?

Maybe this also helps explain why Western culture, once a captive audience to the message of Christianity, would rather turn anywhere else than embrace the picture of God we have meticulously painted. We present a picture of cultural cognitive dissonance: “God loves you; God is love; but He is so angry over sin that He actually severed relationship with Jesus himself as he hung on the cross. If He would do that to the only sinless man who ever lived, then how far away has God turned from you?” Who would want to get closer to a God who hates their very essence? If we look at evangelical theology, we have to conclude that Jesus found himself in that camp, too.

Let’s consider that moment in time when forensic theology insists that the Father turned away from the Son as he bore the sins of humanity on the cross. If that truly happened, then we must conclude that the Trinity ceased to exist during that time. Modernist theology has no explanation for this paradox. Belief in the Trinity is foundational to orthodox theology, but the logical conclusion here using modernist/forensic theology is that God’s wrath actually caused Himself to cease existing. Even if the Trinity was fractured for the briefest of moments, this means we are all in a puddle of doo-doo.

Let’s use this as an exercise in worldview: Jesus, on the cross, shouts, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).

Our modern assumption is that this verbal outburst confirms that Jesus was feeling the weight of sin and the separation from God that it caused. For the first time, Jesus felt the devastation of abandonment as the Father turned from sin. Therefore, the modernist says, this is proof that things are the way I see them.

But perhaps the reality is a bit different. Jesus’ physical reality was one of ultimate torture: agony in pain from dislocated joints, flesh raw from beating and subsequent up-and-down movement to try to breathe; hyperventilation; loss of blood. He is gasping for breath and yells out what he can. What he did was commonly practiced by his fellow countrymen—especially with the Psalms. A vast percentage of adult males present would have instantly known exactly what psalm Jesus referenced (Psalm 22); most of them would be able to recite it by heart. If you start a song everyone else knows, everyone else finishes it (precisely what the psalms were) and nobody questions what deeper meaning you had in saying just the opening line. The song stands complete.

So what Jesus did was strategically start a song that has some very interesting verses which apply directly and dramatically to his immediate situation. Besides being a clear literary illustration of the ravages of crucifixion centuries before the practice was used by Rome (12-18), the psalm pointedly states that God will never abandon His holy one or turn His face away (24). It ends with “It is finished” in Hebrew—in the English versions it looks like “he has done it.” Now where do we hear that from Jesus’ mouth? By finishing the song in the last moments of his life, Jesus confirms from beginning to end this psalm’s statement of ultimate relationship in the midst of ultimate suffering. Jesus is never, for one second, abandoned by God to face his worst day ever completely on his own.

Should we believe that God turned His back on Jesus for even a moment, we are the heretics: we are saying, in spite of clear biblical evidence, that God separated Himself in some clearly definable way from Jesus on the cross. We can’t say that in Jesus’ case God loved the sinner and hated the sin. Paul states emphatically that Jesus actually became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21); sin wasn’t something Jesus carried, it was something he was. So if God turned from sin, He turned from the person Jesus. The implications of that are astounding. We are saying that the Trinity, one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity, is unimportant. We say that because it ceased to exist at the moment of Jesus’ abandonment; yet somehow the Godhead as we understand Him was seemingly unaffected. In reality, if relationship with Jesus was severed, it means one of several things.

First, if we believe that Jesus was fully human and fully God as the creeds of Christendom have taught us, then somehow Jesus was God in a separate essence from the Father and Holy Spirit. That leaves two fully functional and separate Gods in the universe at the same time. If that is the case, then perhaps the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are right.

Second, if relationship between Jesus and the Father were truly separated, then Jesus ceased to be fully God at that point. That leads us back to inventing ways to explain a fractured, but not mortally wounded, Trinity.

Third, maybe we just don’t understand the kind of relationship that God the Father enjoys with Jesus. There is some way, we suggest, that God could turn from Jesus (because sin separates us from God) while at the same time He didn’t.

The problems with this response are twofold. First, this argument, based on the legal modernist theology, has to leave that worldview and take a trip into a more metaphysical, mystical posture for this to make sense. One cannot stay true to the modernist foundation and honestly reach this conclusion. Second, this kind of talk can only make sense if words are released from their meanings. We can’t stay true to the modernist worldview and employ postmodern uses of language and stay consistent.

The bottom line is this: if relationship between Jesus and the Father were severed for even a second, then for that second God was not God and the Bible is full of lies as to His longevity, omnipotence and character. If we believe in the forensic hatred of sin like we say we do, then perhaps our heresy is deeper and more insidious than the emerging church.

What to do?

It has been ultimately freeing to begin seeing God as the relentless lover of His creation, who would stop at nothing—no cost or risk too high—to enjoy undiminished relationship with this world and all its inhabitants. It is freeing to look at that tired modernist theological civil war between predestination and free will and wonder if both sides have seriously missed the point. What if, in eternity past, the Trinity decided to go ahead with creation knowing full well what the introduction of free will would bring? And in the midst of that decision, the Trinity decided that to get what they ultimately wanted—humans freely engaging in relationship with God—it was worth the personal cost of redemption? In that regard, Jesus was “predestined” for the cross, “the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” My passionate, loving Father set loose the hounds of heaven to pursue me even before I was lost!

It is freeing and inspiring to read Jesus’ take on the dancing, joyful Father in Luke 15. Whether it’s an illustration of money, livestock or kids, the same relentless Finder of Lost Things has heaven poised for the next party.

I’m not smart enough to figure out what happens to the billions of people who haven’t heard the story of Jesus. I still think that it isn’t just God’s problem; if I am in relationship with Him, it’s my problem, too. But this I know: the story of God I am seeing re-written in my life is about the magnetic draw of the One who dances for joy over finding His lost ones. You can have your systematic theologies and dark courtroom dramas. I’m going this other direction.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Case Against Clergy

Time For A New View
The modern, Western Church defines itself with a theological foundation in the disciple-making command of Jesus in the Great Commission, and with a philosophical dynamic from the Protestant Reformation that insists on the priesthood of the believer. In its current form, however, the institutional Western Church actually stands in the way of both true discipleship and maximum world impact from its members.

The worldview of Christendom has become the Western Church’s largest export and its greatest hindrance. Because of the weight of our cultural and historical baggage and the depth of our traditional church assumptions, radical alternatives to traditional church forms are needed to restore the power to Western Christianity.

A Gift From A Guy Who Wore Metal Pants
“Christendom” refers to a relationship between the Church and the State that was inaugurated during the rule of the Roman emperor Constantine. His reign witnessed the exponential growth of a marginalized, persecuted Christianity. The Church was organic, decentralized, and powerful.

Constantine realized that nearly half of his entire empire was now professing allegiance to Christ. His legendary vision of a cross during battle gets center stage in our view of Church history. This becomes the mythical tipping point when we assume Christianity burst forth onto the world stage. One thing is definitely true: this was the beginning of Western culture and the Church was in the center of the culture. Being in the center isn't always a good thing.

What we often fail to realize is that Constantine probably made his decision to legitimize Christianity for numerous reasons, not the least of which was a shrewd political move. The emperor did what all the Roman leaders before him did. By bringing a conquered enemy’s gods into the Roman pantheon, and granting legitimate cultural status to both their priesthood and the locations where their religious faithful gathered to worship, those suddenly “set free” religiously lost their distinctiveness and the will to rebel. They were assimilated into the Roman Empire. Rome’s one great stipulation was that those new citizens revere Caesar—and by extension, the host culture—as divine. Most saw that as an inconsequential price for the freedoms and privileges they could gain.

So it was with the Christian Church. What was a dynamic movement that won converts by the sheer force of changed lives modeled in the toughest of circumstances rapidly became a legitimized religion whose centralized priesthood and distinctive, sacred buildings emerged as its defining cultural characteristics.

Scroll ahead to Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation in the fifteenth century. Luther surveyed the religious landscape and proposed reformative measures to his Catholic Church. It was an unbalanced institution heavily invested in politics and real estate. Luther saw an institution populated by a class of professional priests, schooled in the mystical art of understanding the Scriptures, supported by those grateful enough to receive spiritual guidance. It was the priesthood’s main occupation to interpret the Scriptures for their parishioners. In this system there was no room for everyday followers of Jesus to fully exercise their own priesthood as the Bible commands. People accepted the status quo; they knew no different and probably assumed that that was the way things were supposed to be in the Kingdom of God.

Shaped By History and Environment
Our late-twentieth-century Church worldview is both heavily influenced by our history and mostly hidden from view. We all operate on certain assumptions—those dynamics we implicitly and unconsciously understand as the way things ought to be. Because they are on this deep level, most of our assumptions go unchallenged.

Many of our guiding assumptions are deeply rooted in Christendom:
• We expect the Church to be in the center of culture, with a valued and respected voice. When this is no longer the case, we assume that it is the culture’s fault, not the Church’s.
• Our default is to equate the concept of Church with a place, not as a people. We are building-centric in our approach to ministry. This is one of the major contributing factors to our spiritual schizophrenia—the “sacred” and “secular” approach to life—where I can live separate existences depending on whether I am at work or at home or whom I am with.
• We demand dynamic performances from professionals, whom we grade and reward with our financial contributions and our continuing attendance at their performances. The focus of our Christian life is Sunday mornings; we “get through” the rest of the week to return to church.
• There is a vast difference between “clergy” and “laity” regarding the expectations of one’s life-investment. We expect much from professionals and little from ourselves. We have been conditioned to remain passive attendees.
• Laypeople’s chief contributions to the movement of the Kingdom of God are generally twofold: sources of income and bridges for church growth. Members are encouraged toward financial giving to the local church and to professional missionaries around the globe, and to invite their “unchurched” contacts to Sunday morning gatherings so that professional performances can change their minds. How much of the typical church’s income feeds overhead—salaries and mortgages?

The list above might seem cynical and reactionary. Its purpose is not to discount every dynamic of the modern Church as worldly and worthless. God has used churches and church people in amazing ways—and He will continue to do so. The purpose of this discussion is to allow the interested thinker some perspective to consider what cultural and historical foundations unconsciously drive our contemporary understanding of ministry and the Church’s interface with its world.

This is precisely why it has been so difficult historically in American evangelicalism to create vital, sustainable discipleship programs. There is no real need, since we implicitly know that all impactful ministries happen through professionals in sacred buildings on Sunday mornings. Our programmatic, building-centered approach actually militates against the focus, time and energy it takes to be missional and incarnational; without this the average member will not sense the dire need to be a disciple.

Finally, in our professionally-driven Christian sub-culture, just whom exactly is the disciple supposed to follow? Even in our relaxed, first-name-basis contemporary churches, there remains a huge and nearly unbridgeable psychological gap between clergy and laity. I simply can’t emulate a professional’s lifestyle; he does things and has powers and privileges I don’t, like getting seminary degrees, marryin’ and buryin’, baptizing and serving Communion.

So What?
The discussion above is also an attempt to demonstrate to missionally-minded leaders that there are serious and potentially stifling assumptions that North American Christians bring into the arena whenever we employ familiar forms of ministry. This is precisely why new forms are needed. It is not that new forms are intrinsically better or that traditional forms are evil. It is all about creating an atmosphere where community, impact, power and new imagination have the greatest chance of taking root.

Would a chapter of Overeaters Anonymous have an easier or a more difficult time reaching their objectives of they were to hold their meetings at a McDonalds or a Dairy Queen? When we are guided by clear objectives, sometimes an otherwise welcome venue becomes toxic.

Can an existing church turn the corner and become a dynamic, missional vehicle? Yes, or course. There will undoubtedly be more dynamic expressions of the Kingdom in many institutional/traditional churches (see how easy it is to mis-use that word?) than there ever will be through my own feeble efforts to pioneer a new/ancient movement. As one who has been part of the institutional Church as both a pastor and an overseas missionary, I have to wonder why we would spend our lives performing CPR when we could be out delivering babies.

What, then, is the best discipleship vehicle? It certainly isn’t through a paid professional, for all the reasons stated above. But take those same individuals, with theological acumen and leadership gifts, and place them in real-life situations. Intentionally under-employed former professionals working in local businesses, living in the same neighborhoods as the people they want to reach, acting as templates of hospitality, generosity and intentional relationality, wield great influence and inspire hope in others.

Spiritual gifts should be exercised. That includes those gifts of leadership within the Church. As gifted people learn to adopt a new set of assumptions, including one that restores the word “Church” to refer to God’s people rather than a building on a certain street corner, we will see a renaissance in Kingdom power across our communities. These new forms of Christian community will flourish as former professionals strip away old patterns and constantly challenge their co-laborers to disconnect from old paradigms of who does ministry in the Church and how it gets done.

So what about those verses in the New Testament about “don’t muzzle the ox” (like in 1 Timothy 5:18)? Is there a place for vocational clergy? Let’s address this with a couple clarifying comments. First, we are in the process of re-imagining the concept of Church. Now we see that when Paul addresses “the church in Corinth,” or Ephesus, or Rome, he probably is using that phrase to include every follower of Jesus in that geographical region. They didn’t all meet together on Sundays with a pastor. They were more likely a loose collection of house churches—tight-knit families of Jesus-lovers who needed the challenge of seeing a broader horizon. What they needed were regional overseers who could provide guidance and accountability in a very hostile environment. We have a continuing need for apostolic thinkers and prophetic teachers who can inspire and challenge God’s people. They just have to be far enough removed from us that we won’t dip back into the default assumption that they are the “ministers” and we are the passive audience. Even these verses, so beloved by those who make their living from others’ generosity, must be passed through the grid that challenges our default cultural assumptions.

There is a double irony in this new paradigm of Church in the West. The first is that this really isn’t new or novel; both the ancient Church in the first three centuries after the resurrection, and the modern Church in China, are shining examples of stunning health and growth through organic community in the absence of a professional priesthood. The second irony is that the current institutional Western clergy-led Church just might be led out of its rapid retreat into irrelevancy by…former clergy.

The missional/incarnational movement is more than a splinter faction of disgruntled spiritual anarchists. It is a fresh expression of ministry that has the potential to usher millions of people disinterested in “church” into the life of The Church. It’s worth every risk.